Friday, June 6, 2008

And the way you look tonight...


1. WHAT DATE IS YOUR ANNIVERSARY? March 12th - Every year.


3. WHO PROPOSED AND HOW? John. I was in Cedar the weekend before my 23rd birthday, and Brianhead had their opening weekend. We went up snowboarding, and he proposed on the mountain in a bunch of trees while we had "birthday cupcakes" and drinks.

4. HOW LONG WERE YOU ENGAGED? 4 1/2 months

5. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE PART OF YOUR WEDDING DAY? ( AND IT CAN'T BE YOUR HUSBAND) Well, it was all very beautiful, I got my chocolate fix, and it wasn't so crazy that I couldn't enjoy it.

6. WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE IF YOU COULD? I think I'd put the luncheon the day or evening before. I thought about doing this but I thought with John's family coming from all over the country and flying in and not having a lot of time, doing that might be too much for them and they might want to just be flying in that day, but looking back, I think it would have worked better for them for not having so much stuff to drag their kids around to all in one day. And I would have added about 5 more people to that luncheon - one way or another.

7. WEDDING COLORS? Pink, Green, Red - See above! :)

8. REMEMBER ANYTHING SPECIAL ABOUT YOUR WEDDING CEREMONY? Ha, not really. But I didn't cry, and I wasn't nervous. Weird!

9. WHERE YOU CLEAN OR MESSY WHEN YOU CUT YOUR CAKE? We were clean - my mom's biggest pet peeve in the whole world is when couples smash each other in the face with cake and she commented to me like 1000 times. So I told John it seriously wouldn't even be worth it, we'd hear about it forever!

10. WHERE DID YOU GO ON YOUR HONEYMOON? Cruise. We had a lot of fun, we hit Miami, Key West, and Cozumel and ate about our weight in food every day.

I want to tag Nellie, since I wasn't there(I'm an awesome friend), and Nikki and Kaja because they were so long ago I can't even remember ;) hehe.


Kaja said...

those photos are beautiful - if i were to do it again, i would pay billions for better pictures. i hate my pictures!

Nikki said...

Oooohhh...I remember this day! I think we drained your chocolate fountain. I ate enough chocolate that day to last me the next year. Yummy. Oh, and it HAD to of been you that I saw on the freeway! It was a Nissan and it was about 8:20 or so (I remember cuz I was on my way back from my belly dancing class. haha.) Of all the places to see each other, I see you on the freeway. This is a sign that we really need to get together soon.
P.S. Kiara and I stayed at your parents house the past couple of days. I love the book you made for your mom. What a precious little guy.
p.p.s. would you give me your email address so I can stop writing novels on your blog?

Nikki said...

oh yea, not only was it a Nissan altima but a gold one with a hint of a green tint??? oh, and you were speeding quickly by me or I would have gotten a better look. haha.

Adventures in Heywood said...

I loved my pictures, but Ron did give me a heart attack cuz he's such a flake (found this out from people AFTER I pre-paid a fortune). I would have chosen a different guy if I did it again, but I STILL would have spent a lot on a great photographer!!! I hear that regret more than any other regret I think "I wish I would have had better pictures" probably a dozen times as people look at mine. Everyone's just trying to be thrifty, but they regret it.