Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Adventures in Location Photography

(Pics of this wedding to come.)

Since I was shooting in Hurricane last weekend John and I decided it was a wonderful opportunity to head south to St. George and get away. We had so much fun and the wedding was lovely. We hit all our favorite restaurants - haha- a little too much emphasis on food I think, but that's us...

We hit up a great hibatchi, Samurai 21... It was excellent....

Slept a lot at our hotel...

And I got to run into some of my favorite people at the wedding...

The weather was phenomenal. We swam in the pool and laid in the sun...

Then on our way home, by the time we hit Fillmore, it looked like this....

Bummer of a way to end the trip, but it made us thankful we got a few days away!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

CD Artwork

Since I don't do printing, and since I like graphic design, I've been playing with different CD cover designs for when I give my clients their prints... It's been fun! So since I haven't posted in a couple days... Just to show you what I've been up to in my absence... Ta daaaaah!