Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Day in our Life

So I very, very often get the comment: "You must have the best pictures of your kid." I always have a little twinge of guilt when people say this, because in THEORY I have a great skill set for getting nice pictures of my kid all the time.... buuuuuttttt.... more often than not I'm there like every other mom snapping a pic with my camera phone.
There's many reasons/excuses for this just a few I feel compelled to use now... 1) My camera can not break in an accident, therefore it is diligently stored away from rambunctious toddlers... I work with my camera and I have bookings coming up, and yes, I have a back up camera for my weddings etc... but the whole point of a backup camera is to have a WORKING backup camera AT the event should something happen to the first. So I need both, in working order, at my weddings. SO, it's stored away, and out of site, out of mind!! When it's packed away it just doesn't come out like it should. 2) Just like every other mother of a small child, there seems to never be enough hands to wrangle kids and carry their 'gear' haha... if I don't have backup (dad), the last thing I think about is getting another fragile, fairly large and pretty heavy piece of equipment out to go somewhere.

So pretty much like every parent anywhere, my camera seems to come out in obvious situations, special occasions, pre-planned family portraits, etc. Otherwise, it's the good ole camera phone for us! haha. Every now and again I get a pang of guilt and dress charlie up and take him outside to shoot a few. He's usually non-compliant and running around like a crazy, just like every toddler ever (photo moms should get model children, don't you think? ones with endless patience and natural camera ease... nay not so) and so it doesn't always end well.

So these 'Day in the Life' shoots I have seen all over, and I decided one day that I needed to do it. Just 'everyday art'... not stuffing charlie into over the top outfits and heading off to fun locations with perfect hair and a freshly wiped nose. Just us, doing random, natural (read boring), daily activities that really will be so fun to remember when Charlie is all grown and we don't have a morning cereal routine. So I did a bit of it one day and here is the finished project... and I need to remember to do this again...

(natural means no photoshop for momma... arg, I look so old!)


Stefanie said...

Thought I'd check in today to see if you'd posted anything new! Great pictures, great party idea (how is it you are so talented at most things?). Anyway, Loved it all!

Seantae Jackson said...

You DO have great pictures of your boy. And lets be honest, the natural's are the best. In 50 years we'll all be thankful for the honesty in them!